Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Brett says...

Hey everyone,
My little brother wanted to say something,
Hi, I just made my own glogster here is the link,
http://parnold.edu.glogster.com/brett/ It is cool.  But please don't edit anything. Thanks!
 Have a good Thanksgiving!,
Brett Heier

Happy Thanksgiving!

        Hey Everyone,

Just wishing everyone an early Thanksgiving!  I'll be in Washington DC with my adorable 3 year old cousin, Bruce, my Aunt Deanna,  Uncle Robb, Grandma, and Grandpa.  We will be hanging out watching football and the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.  I probably won't have any time to blog, so in advance...........

Friday, November 16, 2012

Middle School

    This fall I started Middle School at Eyer Middle School. I love it! It soo much more fun than Elementary. There are so many more opportunities.   Right now we can do a rock-a-thon (rocking chairs), dances and activity nights, etc.  The best part though is the freedom. I am also in Band and Chorus.  I have Tech Ed for my quarter special and computers for my Trimester. Tech Ed is like a wood/engineering shop.  In computers you learn to type and work with Microsoft Word.  My teachers are all so nice.  Stayed tuned for new posts!


Hey everyone, 
I went to Mexico from 11-2-12 to 11-6-12. Here is a picture of the sunset~

We had soo much fun! Long story short- We swam in the pool, ocean, and wave pool alot.  We went to some great restaraunts, and had a great time!

Catching Up

Hey everyone,
                Sorry I havn't posted in awhile... OK a loooong time. Anyway, there is a LOT of news to catch up on.  The next couple posts will be just catching up. Glad to be back!
                                             ~ Lena

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Camp Brainard

Hi! I went to Camp Brainard. Camp Brainard is a Presbyterian camp. It is very fun. We had worship services, kayaked, played games and did other fun stuff. I loved the creek walk best. At camp there is so much to do! I slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed! It was really fun even though there was a 50% chance of me falling off! I shared a bunk with my friend Shelby who is also from my church. I also made a new friend. Her name is Marlo. She has two little sisters: Cali, and.... Lena! (not me). The pool was also fun. It had a fountain and the pool was right next to my cabin! We had a campfire on the last night. We had gooey s'mores too. The creek walk was the best!
I loved camp!

Barnston Here I Come

Hi! You know how I went to Wayne ,NE? Well, I went to Barnston ,NE too! we stayed at my aunt Angie and Uncle Ronnie's house. They have two kids, Shelby and Austin. They are both younger then me. We went to the pool and it was awesome! There was a twisty slide, which was sweet. We also saw my cousins Riley and Carson. It was fun to see all of my cousins. As for meals roughly every other meal we went to my Grandma and Grandpa March's house to eat. I also fell in love with a cute kitten named Precious. I went on a tractor ride too. The main reasons we were in Barnston were to visit family and mom's 20th high school reunion. So that's the story of of Barnston.